
2015 Performance Design Commission Meeting Minutes

Jul 30, 2015

Prague Quadrennial 2015
18 June 2015 at 14:00


Download Complete Meeting Minutes

In Attendance:

No. Name Country No. Name Country No. Name Country
1 Allan Tsui Shek Pang* HKG 24 Kevin Rigdom USA 47 Rick Thomas USA
2 Anat Messner ISR 25 Laura Crow USA 48 Rob Eastman-Mullins* USA
3 Andy Bargilly* CYP 26 Lise Klitten* DEN 49 Rolando de Leon PHI
4 Anya Sokolovskaya USA 27 Louis Janssen, president NED 50 Rosane Muniz* BRA
5 Avraham Oz ISR 28 Maija Pekkanen FIN 51 Sabrina Nortafrancisco USA
6 Bert Determann NED 29 Manana Gunia GEO 52 Sampo Pyhälä FIN
7 Beth Weinstein USA 30 Margaret Mitchell USA 53 Samuel Wang* TWN
8 Claudia de Bem BRA 31 Mariaelena Roqué* ESP 54 Sandy Bonds USA
9 Edit Zeke* HUN 32 Marketá Fantová USA 55 Sanja Maljković* SRB
10 Erik Mongerson CAN 33 Markku Uimonen FIN 56 Simona Rybáková* CZE
11 Evcimen Perçin TUR 34 Matthew Allar USA 57 Sofia Pantouvaki ^ GRE
12 Fiona Watt GBR 35 Miao Peiru* CHN 58 Steffen Aarfing DEN
13 George Christou CYP 36 Michael Ramseur USA 59 Sunniva Thelestam* SWE
14 Henk van der Geest* NED 37 Mikio Ogawa JPN 60 Tali Itzhaki ISR
15 Hym Sook Kim USA 38 Miljana Zekovic SRB 61 Thomas C. Umfrid USA
16 Ichiro Takada JPN 39 Nadá Šimunová SVK 62 Tina Kitzing* GER
17 Inés de Carvalho POR 40 Nadia Luciani BRA 63 Tom Burch USA
18 Jakob Pelch DEN 41 Nicholas Erickson USA 64 Virginia Vogel USA
19 Jeremy Lee USA 42 Nino Gunia-Kuznetsova GEO 65 Wang Zhuo Yun CHN
20 Jerôme Maeckelbergh* BEL 43 Pegi Marshall USA 66 Yaron Abulafia NED
21 Joe Pino USA 44 Peter Ruthven Hall GBR 67 Zuzana Hudeková* SVK
22 José Luis Ferrera^ ESP 45 Piroska e Kiss HUN      
23 Kazue Hatano JPN 46 Reija Hirvikoski* FIN      

* - voting delegate ^ - individual member (reduced vote)


Business from old minutes


Performance Design Commission’s Era under Reija


Reports from Working Group Chairs

Costume Design WG (Lise Klitten)

Sound Design WG (Joe Pino)

Lighting Design WG
(Henk van der Geest—Heads Nick Moran & Kimmo Karjunen unable to attend)


Organizational Report


Election of New Commission Chair
  1. Candidate Marketa Fantova (USA/Czech Republic) gave her election speech
    • Introduced herself
    • No intention of changing what the Commission is or what it is called.
    • Wants to continue the work being done already before any changes
    • Wants to establish a vision for the Commission
  2. Eligible voting delegates from the Centres were identified and ballots were issued (Wan-Jung Wei from Headquarters and Miljana Zekovic from OISTAT EC acted as election officers).
    • There was a dispute regarding Spain having two OISTAT Centres , both with voting rights. It was confirmed by Louis that one vote was to be cast as an Individual Ballot
  3. Marketa was elected as the chair of the commission for the years 2015 – 2019 in a unanimous vote.


 Date of next meeting of Commission


New Business

Reija adjourned the meeting.