
2006 OISTAT Education Meeting Minutes, Yokohama, Japan

Jun 20, 2006
Education Commission Meeting in conjunction with the World Lighting Fair and International Students’ Participation

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YOKOHAMA 15-17 JUNE 2006
Hosted by OISTAT Centre Japan and World Light Fair

Marina Raytchinova
Chair of Education Commission

Australia, Mr. Richard Roberts, individual member
Bulgaria, Ms. Marina Raytchinova, EduCom Chair
Czech Rep., Mr. Petr Matasek
Finland, Mr. Markku Uimonnen
Finland, Ms. Mimmi Resman, guest
Finland, Mr.Teemu Maattanen, guest/student
Germany, Ms. Martemaria Scheunemann
Hong Kong, Ms. LAM TUNG Pui-man Rosie
Hungary, Mr. Árpad Kekesi-Kun
Korea, Ms. Hye Suk Chang
Netherlands, Mr. Sjef Tilly
New Zealand, Ms. Dorita Hannah, individual member
New Zealand, Mr. Andrew Bretelle, guest/student
Sweden, Mr. Anders Larsson
Turkey, Ms. Evcimen Percin
Taiwan, Ms. Wei-Wen Chang, OISTAT Executive Director
Taiwan, Mr. Austin Wang, non-voting member
Taiwan, Mr. Lee-Zen Michael Chien
UK, Ms. Joslin McKinney
USA, Mr. Michael Ramsaur, OISTAT President
USA, Mr. Ryan Fletcher, guest/student
USA, Ms. Polly Ellis, guest
JAPAN, Mr. Hideki Nakajima, host

Education Commission Business Meeting-1

June 15th Thursday, 9:00- 12:00

Dorita Hannah noted that it is important to guarantee that online registration will work accurately, and students will not be disappointed by mistakes and omissions, when coming to Prague.
Michael Ramsaur explained that in comparison to Scenofest ’03, the application procedure for Scenofest’07 is longer and more complex. Marina underlined that the process of registration will go through several stages and will involve longer and closer communication between the organizers and the applicants. Marina committed to forward to Sean Crowley and Chris van Goethem all recommendations concerning registration and application forms.
Dorita Hannah and Andrew Bretelle intend to bring to Scenofest a performance that includes use of new media, but insurance and transport costs for the technical equipments are significant and they can not cover them. A discussion concerning ways to solve insurance expenses followed and concluded with a suggestion that all participants will share all equipments that they will bring to Scenofest. Scenofest organizers should take care of the preliminary coordination on this.

Petr Matasek noted that all Scenofest costs should be clarified by October in order to have realistic budget. Marina said that Babel Tower and Scenofest stage costs need to be decided as soon as possible. Dorita Hannah proposed to use unsustainable and recycled materials for the Scenofest Stage and Babel Tower.


The meeting was adjourned at 12 am.

Education Commission Business Meeting-2

June 17th Saturday, 9 – 11 am

Minutes submitted by Marina Raytchinova.



Open sessions OISTAT Education Commission/OISTAT Centre - Japan

WLF Forum ”Relation of Lighting and Stage Structure of Opera House”
At Anex Hall in Pacifico YOKOHAMA
Moderator: Mituru Ishii, Scenographer, OISTAT Japan