
2013 Costume Design Group Meeting Minutes in Vigan, Philippines

Sep 17, 2013

Minutes of May 1, 2013 OISTAT
Costume Design Group Meeting in Vigan, Philippines

Chair: Lise Klitten called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM
Vice Chair for Americas: Laura Crow in attendance.
Members present: Rolando De Leon, Joy Rago and Nic Ularu
Vice Chair for Asia: Kazue Hatano had a broken ankle and had to decline

Countries attending from OISTAT in the Philippines:
Philippines, Belgium, Romania, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, USA , Netherlands, Bangladesh, Soviet Georgia, Japan, Brazil, Indonesia and Thaiwan. (OISTAT EC meeting was held also in Vigan)

Regrets from CDG: Kazue Hatano (Japan), Rosane Muniz (Brazil), Tali Itzhaki (Israel), Sunniva Thelestam (Sweden), Rita Geerts (Belgium), Graham Cottenden & Hilary Baxter (UK), Alexandra Bonds & Margaret Mitchell (USA), Tina Matthulessey (Netherlands), Igor Rousanoff (Russia)

Discussion of organization name:
Proposal “Costume Design Working Group”
Adding the "Design" gives more prestige to organization
An organization of Designers, not Costumieres
Proposal to simplify the name to “Costume Design Group”
Costume Design Group passed. Acronym is now “CDG” not “CWG”

Discussion about a Logo:
Nic Ularu will plan a contest.
Proposals accepted from members and students
Up to 3 proposals per person for logo
Should be nicely combined with OISTAT logo
Logo should be for new name Costume Design Group
Deadline will be posted on the Facebook page
Proposals voted on by all the members of CDG
Facebook votes monitored by Lise Klitten
Logo needs to blend easily with titles:
Director of Programming

Instruction manual to plan a future meeting:
The leader of the event needs a title to apply for funding
Title will be "Director of Programming"
Any meeting planner will automatically have this title.
A formal Letterhead will be made available to any meeting planner
with OISTAT logo, CDG logo and title “Director of Programming”
Any solid proposal should be submitted with the support of
the OISTAT CDG if possible.
The person planning the event needs an instructions letter.
The Costume Design Group (by: Rosane Muniz, Sofia Pantouvaki and Simona Rybakova) is working on a guide for CDG members with instructions to having meeting, this is to be announced at the next business meeting in Wales September 11th. 2013.

Future Meeting:
Fall 2013 – Cardiff, Wales at the “World Stage Design”
Jan 2014 – Antwerp, Belgium “Fashion & Costume: A Discussion”
Symposium in Breda/Brussel and “Paper Costume Exhibition”.
Extra is Ghent and Brugge
Aug 2014 – Rio, Brazil. Theme is not announced yet,
Could be focus around Carnival Costume Design.

Proposals future meetings:
June 2015 – Sibiu, Romania for a PQ style Costume Exhibition
Nic Ularu will be in Sibiu in June to have talks.
Sibiu might be interested in an annual event for designers
at the time of their International Theatre Festival in June.
Festival has been moved to June for best weather conditions
June 2015 - Moscow, Russia “Costume Design Exhibition”
Exhibition at the Bakhrushin Central Theatre Museum
Will open just prior to the PQ 2015
Planned to stay open through the summer.
Designers asked to send design proposals to Igor Roussanoff Igor@roussanoffdesign.com or Iroussanoff@facebook.com
Designs can include anything from the past 60 years.
An art gallery exhibit of design renderings of artistic value.
Fall 2016 – Philippines “World Costume Festival”
Carnival and Street Costumes.

Sophia Pantouvaki & Rosane Muniz is working on the website
together to create a structure to work within the existing OISTAT site designed in Taiwan.
Picture Gallery – is done with the items send in by now.
The old website will be kept as History Website connected to the new website
Showing past history of events.
Laura will work on the structure of the old site.

Minutes by Laura Crow

Pics from the Wold Costume Parade 2013 in Vigan. Member of the Jury Laura, Nic and Lise

1. price Golden Medal Indonesia

2. Price Golden Medal Japan

3. Price Golden Medal Philippines