
Costume Design Working Group Newsletter July, 2016

Jul 18, 2016

Dear OISTAT Costume Design Group members,

A few weeks ago, all OISTAT members received a communication email from the President of OISTAT Louis Janssen, called “EC Memo”, informing about the immediate dissolving of all OISTAT working groups. As far as we know, this document provoked many questions, misunderstandings and worries to everyone who has been actively involved in projects and activities of the OISTAT working groups.

On this occasion, we feel that it is necessary to respond regarding this situation and share our thoughts and actions with all CDG members.

We think that the timing and the way in which the EC and the President announced this decision was very unfortunate; however, it did take place. OISTAT is a large and living organization, in constant development, and this decision shows that a new structure would be more effective towards our future.

Therefore, we suggest using this opportunity as a starting point for discussion in relation to the actual changes in the world of theatre, in the reality of our professions, as well as in relation the broader context of OISTAT today.

Under this perspective, the leadership of CDG is in communication with other workings groups, with the Chair of the Performance Design Commission and with OISTAT leadership until the next EC/GB meeting in Seville in October 2016. The possibilities for a new structure of OISTAT, its commissions and groups are under discussion, and we will be part of it. We welcome CDG members to send their views and ideas on possible future perspectives. Please write to Simona, Rosane and Sofia.

We know that CDG has been the most active of all working groups, and the vast majority of the group wishes to continue our activities. The OISTAT President has communicated to us that all current projects can continue as planned. This is why we do not feel “dissolved” and we will continue all our activities, including planning the programme for WSD 2017 in Taiwan.

Everyone interested in joining the World Costume Festival in the Philippines in October 2016, please contact directly Laura Crow, who was appointed project leader for this activity at our last CDG meeting in Salt Lake City in March 2016.

We look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you soon in the future,

Simona Rybáková, Head of CDG
Rosane Muniz, Vice Head of CDG
Sofia Pantouvaki, Vice Head of CDG