
1999 OISTAT Technology Commission Meeting Minutes

Aug 23, 1999

Date: August 19-22, 1999
Location: Helsinki, Finland

Download the Minutes

Welcome words from Louis Janssen, Vice-Chair of the Commission and from Maija Pekkanen, Vice-President of the OISTAT.

Introduction of the delegates:
Austria: Bruno Groesel; Belgium: Ivo Kersmaekers; Canada: John Mayberry; Hong Kong China: Wai-Hung Yu, Ming-Wai Yun; Czech Republic: Stanislav Hrdlicka; Estonia: Sirli Bergström; Finland: Keijo Koli, Timo Tuovila, Kari Ukkola; France: Jean-Pierre Decaudin; Germany: Rudolf Kück, Mr. Bernhardt Schweinberger; Hungary: Sándor Böröcz; Japan: Masaji Ito; The Netherlands: Louis Janssen; Sweden: Erik Westerlund; United Kingdom: Richard Brett; USA: Jonathan Darling, David Ramsey, Barry Cleveland.

Regrets from missing delegates: Andrzej Sosnowski - Poland, José Antonio Prades Hung – Cuba, Michal Vajdicka – Slovakia.

Delegates review the Commission’s agenda – there are no additional suggested points.

Delegates overview the Minutes from the Amsterdam Meeting

The minutes are approved as they are.

Theatre Atlas
Workgroup members Timo Tuovila (Finland) and Louis Janssen (Netherlands) present a simple form in Excel format after many temporary versions.

Request for all countries: keep this format even if it is translated into own languages.Suggestion for the way to publish them: filled forms should be placed to web-sites and make link to national web-sites from OISTAT web-site.

Remarks from delegates: John Mayberry (Canada) they have a similar form, 600 institutes received and 120 sent it back so far; Louis Janssen (Netherlands): They prefer drawings which has been preparing by one person on the same way and same aspect; Richard Brett (UK): standards for drawings? – not necessary, more important to achieve them on web-sites.

Further tasks for the workgroup members Timo Tuovila (Finland) and Louis Janssen (Netherlands) within a month: revise the form and make a version numbering system for the form and let more space for remarks. David Ramsey (USA) suggests that they build the mm/inch conversion into the form. Ivo Kersmaekers (Belgium) and John Mayberry (Canada) prepare a small explanation (manual) how to fill this form with content.

Deadline and result: at least one form should be filled in (one theatre should be developed) by each country before Christmas and web-site name should be known where these forms are available. If anybody has drawings – please attach them to the form.

Wireless frequencies
Jonathan Darling (USA): Main goal was to collect information of national regulations for the use of wireless microphones. Delegates receive the copy of collected national regulations – many countries are missing.

Completeness of the details of received information varied greatly – Jonathan suggests using a similar format to the US page although the format is open. Microsoft Word format is recommended but other formats are also good.

Very important to specify a professional contact person by each country.

Result: all information should be sent to Jonathan before Christmas. After developing this information is to be sent to the OISTAT Web-site.

Operation Guidelines
Workgroup members John Mayberry (Canada) and Louis Janssen (Netherlands) present the revised Operation Guidelines, which was originally taken from the Education Commission.

Delegates check the Guidelines point by point, and make necessary and accepted changes.

Final version (modifications) of Operation Guidelines is being completed by John Mayberry (Canada).

Standards and Regulations for Stage Equipment
Bruno Groesel (Austria) was collecting the initial information of existing standards but only few countries sent information so far.
All countries are asked to send it to Bruno before Christmas. Information on lack of standards is also important.
First step is collecting information – second is the analysis of them.
New task for all delegates: find a contact person from their own country who is involved in working out or creating standards, regulations etc.
Discussion on types of existing standards in different countries.

Election of Chair and Vice-Chairs of Technology Commission
Presentation of the three candidates for the election of the new Chairman: Bruno Groesel (Austria), Keijo Koli (Finland) and John Mayberry (Canada)

Candidates for Vice-Chairs: Bruno Groesel (Austria), Jonathan Darling (USA), Keijo Koli (Finland), Louis Janssen (Netherlands) and John Mayberry (Canada).

Open discussion on the candidates of the Chair while candidates are away.

Introduction of the process of voting by Louis Janssen (Netherlands): 15 official delegates have right for voting, 8 votes need to be the Chair. If the first round is not successful, the best two candidates get to the second round.

Set-up of a voting commission. Members are Bernhard Schweinberger and Ming-Wai Yun.

Voting for the Chair by the 15 official delegates:

First round:
Keijo Koli (Finland)                   -          3 votes
Bruno Groesel  (Austria)         -          5 votes
John Mayberry (Canada)         -          7 votes

Second round:
Bruno Groesel  (Austria)          -          6 votes
John Mayberry (Canada)         -          9 votes

New Chairman of the Technology Commission is John Mayberry (Canada). Congratulations!!

•     Voting for the two Vice-Chairmen of Technology Commission. The new Chair is not eligible as new Vice-Chair, so four candidates remain. Delegates should vote to two candidates. The result is:
Keijo Koli (Finland)                        -          6 votes
Bruno Groesel (Austria)               -          10 votes
Jonathan Darling (USA)               -          2 votes
Louis Janssen   (Netherlands)   -          11 votes

1 vote was missing.

New Vice-Chairmen of the Technology Commissions are Louis Janssen (Netherlands) and Bruno Groesel (Austria). Congratulations!!

11.   WEB page 
•              Discussion and suggestions of contents of Technology Commission web pages. Suggested headlines:
•              Welcome words of the Chairman
•              Official Members
•              Contact information
•              Minutes
•              Operation Guidelines
•              Dates of meetings
•              Workgroups (Theatre Atlas, Wireless microphones, Standards, Hong Kong project)
- John Mayberry (Canada) organises all information placed to the web-page.

Louis Janssen (Netherlands): a part of the official side programs missed from the official leaflet, there was a very good side program.

Stanislav Hrdlicka (Czech Republic): says thank you for everybody who visited this exhibition – he thinks it was better than the last one and the next one will be better than this one was. Side programs will be organised more carefully.

13. Hong Kong project
It is a research project regarding how to operate theatres. What kind of guidelines needed for operation of theatres in Hong Kong (standards, safety regulations..)?

Open discussion about different national operation system of theatres, Union influences for operation of theatres. Keijo Koli (Finland) offers to send their Finnish book of theatrical practice to Hong Kong. Richard Brett (UK) also sends materials to Hong Kong.

All delegates are asked to fill in and send back a questionnaire which will be sent them from Hong Kong soon.

14. Places of next meetings
Discussions on the possible places of meeting next year (2000). Following countries are under gentle pressure: Hungary, France and Hong Kong.
Two countries are on the horizon for the 2001 meeting: UK or Poland.

Closing of meeting in Helsinki.

Minutes recorded and compiled by Sándor Böröcz (Hungary).    borocz_sandor@lisys.hu