
Marina Raytchinova

Jul 24, 2017

Associate Professor of Scenography at the National Academy of Art in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Since graduating from the National Academy of Art in Sofia in 1985, Raytchinova has designed over 120 shows for theatre companies in Bulgaria, USA, Russia, Macedonia. She frequently designs shows at the National Theatre in Sofia and at TBA theatre, where she serves as resident designer since 1999. Raytchinova’s set and costume design work has been featured at the Prague International Quadrennial of Scenography (PQ) in 1987, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007 and at World Stage Design Gallery Exhibit in Toronto, Canada in 2005.

Over the last ten years, Raytchinova has taught regularly at the University of Tennessee in USA. She has been guest lecturer at the University of Nebraska, University of Kansas, Furman University in the U.S; RITS School for audio visual and performing arts Arts in Brussels, Belguim; UT Design Seminar - Salzburg; North Karelia Polytechnic in Finland; Theatre Academy in Maastricht in the Newtherlands. Raytchinova has been special international guest lecturer at USITT (United States Institute for Theatre Technology) in Phoenix in 2006 and presenter at International Summit Forum on Theatre Education, Taipei, 2011. In 2011, in collaboration with the Stage Design Department of the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing, Marina Raytchinova organized ISDSWE (the International Stage Design Students’ Works Exchange).

Marina Raytchinova served as the Chair of OISTAT Education from 2004 to 2012. She was involved in Scenofest 2003 as a leader of Puppet Design program. She was one of the main organizers of Scenofest 2007 and curator of the Birds critiqued exhibit.