
Registration for World Costume Festival 2013 due February 28

Feb 17, 2013

The World Costume Festival 2013:
Exhibitions/Street parade presentation  and Competition Guidelines

(Revised as of January 5, 2013)

MORE on WCF2013, please refer to the website, here.
All OISTAT Members are waived of registration fee for WCF2013.

Please download application form here.

Main Exhibition 
The Golden Kneeling Carabao Trophy is the major exhibition component of the World Costume Festival 2013’s exposition of costume design of “Realized Festival Costume or performed live performance costume”.  This exhibition has two (2) categories, the International and the Philippine Regional categories. However, only Tone winner will be select from the combined categories to receive the symbolic single Golden Kneeling Carabao Trophy. Gold medals will be awarded on each category (five medals on each category).

A. The Philippine Regional Category is the exhibition entry from the regions or cities from the 17 regions of the Philippines.
1.)    The Fifty (50%) per cent of judges’ total points from this category will be added to the Street Dance Presentation to complete the 100% total points.
2.)    Criteria for Judging of the costumes: the originality of the design, its functionality, choreography, music that represents their traditional festival.
3.)    The exhibit entry will be displayed using mannequins.
4.)    The entry will be accompanied by the artist’s sketches and photos of the realized design including the information on how the design was conceptualized and a description of materials used. It is required to submit the designer as well.
5.)    Exhibit entry with out duplicate for the Grand street parade presentation may put down the exhibit on the day of the Grand stree parade presentation
6.)    A minimum number of twenty (20) participants, that includes the musicians, are allowed for the street dance parade.
7.)    No fireworks effects are allowed.
8.)    It is PROHIBITED to do Direct stomping by any musical instruments on the heritage road cobblestone during street dancing parade. Hand carried or improvised rolling (soft wheels) music instrument is most welcome.
9.)    Photograph of Costume design in full Body shots must be send via e-mail together with entrée form not later than November 30th, 2012.
10.)   Your entrée will be officially entered on final selection upon registration.
11.)    You may request for the registration form from email address     wcf2013@yahoo.com.ph
12.)  Photos and artist’s sketch must be submitted not later than February 24, 2013.
13.) Realized design entrée cover Year 2011-2012 only.

 B.  The International Category is the exhibition entry from the international
       Participant /delegates
1.) Fifty (50%) percent of judges total points will be added to the Street Dance Presentations total point to complete the 100% total points.
     Note:  the costume from International should be worn and performed either as a single performer or group. Recorded music will be played on assigned judges station.
2.) The entry will be accompanied by a rationale on how the costume was designed highlighting functionality with aesthetics of visual, choreography, and music in either traditional non-traditional art for of their festival.    
3.) The Exhibit entry will be displayed on mannequin  by the Organizer (male or female form must be coordinate before).
4.)    The entry will be accompanied by artist’s sketches and photos of the realized designed. Also graphic text information about the design and the designer with his/her Medium shot photo.   Small portable DVD player video monitor is encouraged.
5.)    Exhibit entry with out duplicate for the Grand street parade presentation may put down the exhibit on the day of the Grand stree parade presentation.
6.)    Another fifty (50%) percent of the judges sum point will be added base on the actual Street Dance Parade to be held at Crisologo Heritage Street of Vigan.
7.)    A fire elements or fireworks effect is not allowed during the Street Dance Parade.
8.)    Registration form may request and submit to .
9.)    Entry Details, Photos and artist’s sketch must be submitted not later than February 25, 2013.
10.)            Realized design entrée cover Year 2010-2012 only, Festival event or Theatrical performance and live event.
11.)            Theatrical stage production or any live performance will also showcase on the street Dance parade to be judge for another fifty percent (50%). Improvise movement is require to see the quality of the design as the performer or actor wearing it

Registration Fees;
1.) Exhibition entrée fee is US$ 50 for single entrée design and concept.
2.) Street Dance Parade entrée fee is US$ 250 (Philippines) and US $ 100 (Internationals)
3.) Realized design stage, live event and Festival entrées needing models or actors. Must specified detail requirements upon request with corresponding fee Php. 600. 00 (US$ 15.00) per head. As the WCF2013 student volunteers will be available to wear. This is made immediately after the Street Dance Parade.

Presented by the Provincial Government of Ilocos Sur, Heritage City of Vigan, Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Tourism.