
OISTAT Theatre Timeline Working Group BRUSSELS Meeting 20-21 January 2013

Sep 24, 2013

In connection with the “Revaluing Theatrical Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities” conference, Kortrijk, 22 and 23 January 2013 

In January 2013 Chris Van Goethem organised a very rich meeting for the Theatre Timeline Working Group in Brussels on the 20 and 21 January 2013, linking in to the “Revaluing Theatrical Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities” conference, held in Kortrijk, 22 and 23 January.

In Brussels visits were made to the Theatre du Parc, the Toone Puppet theatre and Le Monnaie Opera house and museum with guided tours and inspections of under and over stage technologies, scenic workshops, working Baroque theatre model (at le Monnaie) and generations of puppets (at the Toone theatre).

In Kortrijk, the conference provided fascinating insights into a range of historical theatre research, from puppetry, 18th century opera and playhouses through to issues of preservation, conservation and re creation of period performance pieces, theatres and techniques. The programme included a specially mounted modern world premiere of Johann Christian Bach’s Artaserse (1760) staged in Albert Dubosq’s beautiful Palais romain (1913) painted scenery.


As well as many informal discussions, the main Theatre Timeline working group meeting was held in Brussels at which proposals were made for:

For further information and discussion of these and other projects please do attend the meeting of the Theatre Timeline Working Group from 9 – 11am on Wednesday 11 September in the Meeting Room here at RWCMD, also Jerome Maeckelbergh’s presentation about the Bourla Theatre on Friday 13 September in the Richard Burton Theatre 16.30 – 18.00.

The Theatre Timeline Working Group welcomes all those interested across all commissions in OISTAT and also welcomes collaborations with other related organizations.

Kate Burnett
September 2013