
2016 OISTAT Technology Commission Meeting Minutes

Oct 6, 2016

May 28th 2016 – 14:00h
Union of Theatre Workers of the Russia,
Strastnoy Boulevard 10, Moscow
download the meeting minute in PDF 
Chair: Romana Bošković, Serbia
Loren Schreiber, USA, Vice Chair
Louis Janssen, Netherlands, OISTAT President
Bert Determann, Netherlands, Executive Committee Member
Michael Ramsaur, USA, Executive Committee Member
Alexander Yakovlev, Russia, Delegate, Russian OISTAT Center
Ivo Kersmaekers, Belgium, Delegate STEPP
Laura Van Haperen, Netherlands, Delegate, VPT
John Mayberry, Canada, Delegate, CITT
Heikki Orn, Finland, Delegate, Finish OISTAT Center
Masaji Ito, Japan, Delegate, Japan OISTAT Center
Bruno Groesel, Austria, Delegate, OETHG
Joaqin Aranda, Phillipines, Delegate, PATDAT
Radek Fall, Poland, Delegate, Poland OISTAT Center
Gerard van Hezewyk, Canada, member, CITT
Liu Xingling, China, President of CISD/Chinese OISTAT Centre
Elena Drevaleva, Russia, Member, Russian OISTAT Center
Elana Tsulaya, Russia, Member, Russian OISTAT Center
Inna Mirzoyan, Russia, Member, Russian OISTAT Center
Sergey Vorobyev, Russia, Member, Russian OISTAT Center
Jennie Yeung, USA, Member, USITT
Minutes – John Mayberry

Andreas Bickel, Germany, Vice Chair
Jose Antonio Prades Hung, Cuba

1. Welcome from Chair, Romana Bošković and Introductions

2. Appoint Meeting Secretary – John Mayberry

3. Minutes of 2015 Stockholm meeting – Approved

4. Review of agenda for meeting – John Mayberry and Louis Janssen added agenda items – Approved

5. Topics:
5.1 Reports from OISTAT – Louis Janssen, President

5.2 Reports from Theatre Timeline Group (TTG) – Ivo Kersmaekers

5.3 Technical Invention Prize (TIP) – Loren Schreiber

5.4 International Standards Project – Laura van Haperen

5.5 Proposals for WSD 2017, Taipei

 – Presentation of TIP entries and winner
 – Loren Schreiber to talk about shipboard theatrical technology, possibly with ship tour.
 – Presentation of Timeline projects.
 – Round table discussion of standards.
 – Mayberry and Determann could offer a Technicians’ Guide to the WSD entries.

6. Location of 2017 and 2018 TC meeting

7. Good practice for TC meetings

 – The TC should give something to the hosts.
 – The hosts should spell out any visa requirements.
 – The hosts should have a timeline to follow. The Chair will prepare this template.
 – This Moscow meeting was very well arranged, with good communication with Headquarters.
 – Meetings should be as visible as possible, with great participation by locals, with locally important content.
 – The TC should generate something written after each meeting, to increase the profile of the TC and OISTAT.
 – Any other suggestions for improving meetings should be sent to the Chair.

8. New Projects and Proposals

9. Cuba Theatre Equipment Project Report – John Mayberry
The OISTAT project to send a shipping container full of donated surplus theatrical tools and equipment from Toronto to Santiago de Cuba was finally completed. The container shipped on May 19.

10. Restoration of the Bourla Theatre Report – Louis Jansen
Teater Advies has presented a proposal for the restoration of the Bourla Theatre, in Antwerp, and Louis Jansen presented drawings, photographs, and renderings of the design.
The meeting was then adjourned.