
Technology Commission Newsletters, October 2013

Oct 28, 2013

Dear Friends,

Now the dust has settled over the WSD2013, and everybody is back to their normal lives, it’s time to propose the TC’s projects in more detail.  It was very good see so many of you in Cardiff, and it was a wonderful experience to be there. Thank you all for the big attendance at the TC business meeting. Romana Boskovic skillfully compiled the minutes that you find attached here.

The most important new project we’re starting up is the International Standards Project, an initiative of Andreas Bickel.Theatres are touring and stage technology manufacturers are working globally. This means to transfer know how, to adapt solutions to local needs, to respect local law, regulations and standards and last but not least make it work and happen. In our days a lot of topics have been adapted to a global market but the theatre business seems to be focused on a few regulations which may be applicable everywhere but has conserved strong and well-established national and even regional standards which we all face daily.

The fist target of the International Standards Project (ISP) is to learn more about the existing standards and regulations in OISTAT member countries and to get a collection of them as well as a clear view on all standardization organizations as BSI, SIS, DIN, CEN, ISO, national health, building and fire authorities as well as professional institutions like ABTT, USITT, STEP, DTHG, etc.

The second step is to provide this information to all OISTAT members and member countries.The third step may be to group the standards and to try to find common targets as well as pointing out the specific differences in each country or region.The fourth step may be to provide this information - again to all OISTAT members and member countries. Possible synergies may be achieved by giving advice to standardization organizations, authorities and practitioners.

The ISP is meant to be a long-term-project. The huge amount of expected information in the first step needs to be collected and worked through. The expected schedule for the first results heads towards end of 2014 / early 2015. Next steps maybe each two to three years.

Actually a questionnaire (maybe as online survey) is in development to be launched in the beginning of 2014. OISTAT TC members and supporters of the project may publish information and give feedback during preparation and after publication of the questionnaire.

Interested persons and volunteers may contact Andreas Bickel via info@buehnentechnik-online.de
I hope response to this will be big.
Next time we meet in person will be at out next TC meeting in Shanghai April 9-12.2014. 
Today, the invitation was official send out.

The idea is that we offer 6 presentations and our host also 6.
These presentations will all be gathered and translated and published in a book, that will be presented at the meeting.
So it’s very important to work ahead on this one.
The lectures should be 20 minutes long, and the deadline to submit it is 1st of February.

At the meeting Shanghai, we will have elections for the new chair of the TC.
I’ve don’t two terms and cannot be reelected.
Anyway, it’s time for someone with new and fresh ideas to steer this commission ahead now.
If you’re interested to do this interesting and rewarding job, please submit your candidacy to the OISTAT headquarters.

I know we will be in contact soon regarding the preparation of our Shanghai meeting and because of the International Standards Project.

Best regards,
Ivo Kersmaekers
Chair Technology Commission
mob: +32(0)475/57.32.18
skype: ivokersmaekers