
Calls for Short Presentations of December 4 Research Commission Online Meeting

Nov 17, 2023

Dear OISTAT Members,

You are invited to the OISTAT Research Commission's end-of-year meeting on Monday Dec 4th (0800hrs GMT+0 (London) | 1600hrs GMT+8 (Taipei) | 1800hrs GMT+10 (Brisbane))

There is an official call for anyone wanting to share research achievements from 2023. Express your interest to present ONLINE HERE by November 27th.

Individual contributions should be no more than 10mins long please. Please specify whether you will attend in person (virtually) or via prerecorded video.

With so many members around the world, we know these times won't suit everyone! If you cannot attend in person but wish to share, we welcome prerecorded video submissions.

Express your interest to present ONLINE HERE by November 27th

Tessa Rixon (Chair) & Slađana Milićević (Vice Chair)
OISTAT Research Commission