
Invitation to the OISTAT Education Commission and Lighting Design Sub-Commission Annual Meeting Helsinki, Finland January 6 to 11, 2020

Nov 1, 2019

Dear members of OISTAT Education Commission and Lighting Design Sub-Commission,
OISTAT Education commission and Lighting Design sub-commission will hold their annual meetings in Helsinki, Finland during Lux Helsinki from January 6 to 11, 2020.
The annual OISTAT commissions meetings are important for keeping a close network among OISTAT members and a place for exchanging knowledge and practices of different cultures and disciplines in the field of live performance.
During these meetings and events, OISTAT members gain a deeper understanding of local theatre scenes and cultural activities, while local participants are presented with opportunities to engage with global theatre professionals.
We are happy to invite you to Helsinki during Lux Helsinki in January 2020. Our host is Suomen OISTAT-keskus, the Finnish OISTAT Centre. This is a self-funded meeting. Transportation and accommodation will be at your own costs. The cost of cruise from Helsinki to Stockholm on January 9 will be covered by the host.
Recommended Accommodation near the venue: 

Attached please find the draft program. We kindly ask you to fill out the registration form before November 30, 2019.
Best regards,
William Kenyon, Chair of OISTAT Education Commission 
Dinesh Yadav, Chair of OISTAT Lighting Design Sub-Commission
Kimmo Karjunen, Chair of Suomen OISTAT-keskus

Preliminary program Education Commission and Lighting Design Sub-Commission Helsinki, Finland
January 6 to 11, 2020
Monday, January 6
Tuesday, January 7
10:00 - 17:00 Lux Helsinki seminar for the professionals
19:00 - 22:00 Dinner
Wednesday, January 8
10:00 – 17:00 Seminar: Green – the sustainable and ecological questions in theatre
Thursday, January 9
10:00 – 11:00 Education commission meeting
11:00 – 12:00 Lighting Design sub-commission meeting
12:00 - 15:00 Visit Theatre Academy of the University of Arts Helsinki and Wäre at Aalto Arts
17:00 Cruise to Stockholm (Silja Serenade)
18:00 – 20:00 Seminar continues
20:30 Dinner onboard
travelling to Stockholm overnight
Friday, January 10
11:00 - 17:00 Program in Stockholm (Arranged by Svenska Ljussättareföreningen)
17:00 Cruise to Helsinki (Silja Serenade)
Saturday, January 11
10:00 Arrival to Helsinki