
Invitation to the OISTAT Technology Commission's Annual Meeting Novi Sad, Serbia, May 25 - 27, 2017

Mar 1, 2017

February  27th  2017

Dear members of OISTAT Technology Commission,

OISTAT Technology Commission will be holding its annual meeting in Novi Sad, Serbia from May 25th to 27th 2017.

The annual OISTAT commissions meetings are important for keeping a close network among OISTAT members but also a places for active exchange of knowledge and practices in the field of theatre and live performing arts in diverse cultures and all regions of the world.

During these meetings and events, OISTAT members gain a deeper understanding of local theatre scenes and cultural activities, while local participants are presented with opportunities to engage with global theatre professionals.

We are happy to invite you to Novi Sad May 2017. Our host is SCEN, the Serbian OISTAT Centre.

OISTAT center Serbia SCEN Serbian center for scene design, architecture and technology has been established as the center engaged in scientific, artistic and professional projects in the field of Scene Design and Theatre Architecture and Technology, as well in the theaters in the broadest sense of the word, contributing to the improvement of these areas in Serbia. The membership in OISTAT, and cooperation with many other international networks, organizations and individuals are the way that Scen wants to contribute to the process of permanent education, and to encourage the international exchange of ideas, projects and professionals in the field of Scene design, Theatre Architecture and Technology.

Attached please find the draft program.

Additionally, there is the registration form, which we kindly ask you to send back to us as soon as possible (First stage registration until March 15th, 2017)

Please send registration form to OISTAT Headquarters at headquarters@oistat.org and Romana Bošković at romana.boskovic@gmail.com.

Best regards,
Romana Bošković Chair of OISTAT Technology Commission Radivoje Dinulović president of SCEN (Serbian OISTAT Centre)

Download the registration form
Download the invitation in PDF

See the Agenda of Technology commission meeting
See the Programme of Technology commission meeting