
Call for Exhibition and Performance at WSD / Scenofest 2021

Dec 12, 2019

World Stage Design
Calgary, Canada
August 5-15, 2021

The next World Stage Design will be held on August 5-15, 2021 in Calgary, Canada, by the OISTAT Canadian Centre CITT/ICTS and the Drama at the School of Creative and Performing Arts at the University of Calgary.
World Stage Design (WSD) is an OISTAT event held every 4 years that is comprised of 4 distinct components that are presented simultaneously:

  1. International Design Exhibition and Competition
  2. Scenofest
  3. Theatre Architecture Competition (TAC)
  4. Technical Invention Prize (TIP)

WSD 2021 International Design Exhibition and Competition
World Stage Design(WSD) is an international juried exhibition celebrating the best performance designs from over 35 countries. The WSD2021 exhibitions are open to all designers for performance as defined by the categories including Performance Design, Space Design, Set Design, Sound Design, Costume Design, Lighting Design, and Projection Design. While there is no pre-determined theme, during the curatorial process, a theme may emerge based on shared issues from around the world. Designers are invited to attend this global event, which will include Scenofest, offering opportunities for multicultural exchange. 
Download this PDF for information about submitting a proposal for WSD 2021 Exhibition!

Call for Performance at Scenofest 2021
Scenofest 2021 seeks performances that reflect the theme and vision of the Three Sisters of WSD2021. Performances should be around 60-90 minutes in length. We are aiming for each performance to be shown two or three times. Companies bringing performances are invited to consider also making a presentation, delivering a workshop, or holding a Q&A session that shares the work process. If you would like to make a presentation or deliver a practical workshop related to the performance, then please indicate your interest on the online form.
The final acceptance to present at WSD2021 will require the selected artists/companies to take responsibility for the transport of their performance to and from Calgary, Canada. WSD2021 will provide the venue, technical facilities, production personnel, and technical crew for the load in, operation, and load out. The WSD2021 Planning Committee will make the final selection from the submissions for performances. We will contact the finalists to coordinate all of the details required, including the performance venue information and technical needs.

Download this PDF for information about submitting a proposal for Scenofest 2021!

Important Dates
 Jan 30, 2020  Online portal opens
 Jun 30, 2020  Online application of Scenofest 2021 closes
 Sep 15,2020  Online application of WSD 2021 Professional Designer Exhibition closes
 Oct 31, 2020  Online application of WSD 2021 Emerging Designer Exhibition closes
 Jan 10, 2021  Announcement of selected entries
 Feb 15, 2021  Exhibitors receive Exhibitor Package and Final Contract
 Mar 1, 2021  Deadline for Final layout WSD 2021 exhibition
 Aug 1-4, 2021  Exhibitors install exhibition in Calgary at Reeve Theatre, UCalgary
 Aug 5, 2021  Exhibition Gala opening
 Aug 5-15, 2021  WSD 2021 (Exhibition and Scenofest)
 August 2021  OISTAT Congress
 Aug 13 or 14, 2021  Awards Ceremony
 Aug 15, 2021  Closing of Exhibition