
2017 OISTAT Technology Commission Meeting Program

May 18, 2017

Download the full Programme in PDF

Thursday 25th May
20:30h – welcome drink at hotel Centar,  http://hotel-centar.rs/en/

Friday 26th May

Symposium Scene design: theories, poetics and PRACTICES

  1. Heikki Orn, Finland, «Espoo City theatre - technical management and production»;
  2.  Pavel Dautovsky, Czech Republic, «Technical production in State Opera in Prague:case study of M.P.K.»;
  3. Alexander Yakovlev, Russia, «Uppsala  Circus  in  St. Petersburg»;
  4. Bruno Grosel, Austria, «Austrian Association for Theatre Technics OETHG«; Coffee break 30 min.
  5. Laura van Haperen, Netherlands  – «Artistic  application of Stage Machinery»;
  6. Ivo Kersmaekers, Belgium – «Transparency and Reflection – Alternative projection surfaces»;
  7. Ulf Nielsen, Sweden – «European Theatre Technicians Education ETTE and Swedish OISTAT centre STTF»;
  8. Gerry van Hezewyk, Canada – «What the Business World and the Theatre World Could Teach Each Other».
  1. Alina Ilyna, Russia – «A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum», 16h - 16.45h
  2. Bert Determann, Netherlands – «Rotterdam City Theatre and Vorm & Decor», 16.45 - 17.30h
  3. Ivo Kersmaekers, Belgium – «Balancing the budget», 17.30 - 18.15h
  4. Laura van Haperen, Netherlands – «Production Management - From scale model to performance», 18.30 - 19.15h
  5.  Loren Schreiber, USA - «Stage technology on cruise ships», 19.15 - 20h
  6. «The Drone Experience» - sound performances, students of Department of Sound Design, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade, mentor Dobrivoje Milijanović, 20-21h.

Saturday 27th May

  1. «Standards and Regulations in Europe», Laura van Haperen, Netherlands, 20 min., lecture will be translated consecutively;
  2. Panel discussion.

Sunday 28th May

Romana Bošković Živanović +381 652072262
Aleksandra Lozanović + 381 63 1645911
Katarina Mladenović + 381 060 7010785