
2015 OISTAT Technology Commission Meeting Minutes

Jul 16, 2015

June 6, 2015, Stockholm, Sweden

Download Complete Meeting Minutes
Chair: Romana Boskovic (RS)

Andreas Bickel (DE) Vice Chair
Michael Ramsaur (US) Executive Committee Member
Bert Determann (NL) Executive Committee Member
Kathy Hong (TW) Executive Director
Ulf Nielsen (SE) STTF
Ivo Kersmarkers (BE) Member, STEPP
Cao Lin (CN) President of China OISTAT Centre
Huabin Fu (CN) Intl affairs staff, China OISTAT Centre
Fritz Schwentker (US) Delegate, USITT
Laura Van Haperen (NL) Delegate, VPT
Jaoquin Aranda (PH), Delegate, PATDAT
Alexander Yakovlev (RU), Delegate, Russian OISTAT Center
Masaji Ito (JP), Delegate, Japan OISTAT Center
Jennie Yeung (US) Member, USITT
Chris Van Goethem (BE) Member, STEPP
Mark White (GB), Delegate, ABTT
Radek Fall (PL), Delegate, Poland OISTAT Center
Jerome Maeckelbergh (BE) Delegate, Theatreurope
John Mayberry (CA), Delegate, CITT
Femi Majekodunmi (NG), Individual Member
Timo Risku (FI), Delegate, Finnish OISTAT Centre
Heikki Örn (FI) Member, Finish OISTAT Center
Bruno Grösel (AT), Delegate, OETHG

Loren Schreiber (US) Vice-Chair
Sándor Böröcz (HU)
Josè Antonio Prades Hung (CU)

Kathy Hong

1.Welcome- Romana, Chair of Technology commission, welcomed all to TC meeting in Stockholm with gratitude to STTF for hosting and organizing an remarkable program.

2.Minutes appointment- Kathy Hong will take minutes for the meeting.

3.Report from OISTAT, by Michael Ramsaur
a)    TAC moved to Berlin from PQ
-          Theatre Architecture Competition (TAC) exhibition is, for the first time since 1978, out of Prague and in Berlin this year. The host organizer is OISTAT German Center, DTHG. TAC2015 theme was “floating theatre,” designing for a sustainable theatre on river Spree. Design brief can be found on OISTAT website. Exhibition of 25 winners and finalists will be in Stage| Set| Scenery from June 7-9, as well the prize ceremony.

b)   OISTAT Day
-          In the past, OISTAT has been heavily involved in Prague Quadrennial with Scenofest. Since 2013, Scenofest has officially moved to World Stage Stage. In 2015, OISTAT will only be holding the OISTAT Celebration Day on June 20 at the Naprstek Museum. The day will begin at noon and go until 10pm. There will be talks, performances, presentations from commissions and projects. OISTAT Day is to bring together our colleagues worldwide, and interest newcomers who wonder what OISTAT is.

c)    Light Spot at PQ’15
-          Organized by Henk van der Geest and Lighting Design Group will take place June 19-23 on a boat docked next to Railway Bridge. Full program can be found on Light Spot Facebook page.

d)    Lighting Symposium in HK, September 28-October 4
-          Co-organized by Light Design Group, HKATTS (HK OISTAT Center) and HK Academy of Performing Arts. Registration will be open soon. The Symposium is still looking for speakers.

e)    World Scenography 2
-          Second volume of the World Scenography series documents designs from 1990-2005. The book was published in October 2014, and is available for purchase online at OISTAT website.

f)     Digital Theatre Words (DTW)- online and app
a.    There is the desktop version available for download on OISTAT website. Mobile phone application is available, and will be for free globally on June 20 to celebrate OISTAT Day.
b.    DTW is an on-going project that accepts local terms to better understanding of literature and regional theatre, such as traditional Chinese opera terms.
c.    Missing data-
              i.    German is missing Multimedia section, app. 50 terms
              ii.    Swedish is missing descriptions
              iii.    Russian is also missing word groups

g)   OISTAT Bibliography
-          The bibliography asks for OISTAT people to suggest readings for our disciplines. We also link to the purchase sites. All suggestions are welcomed. If Centres publish, perhaps it is also a good way to get the work out in the theatre network.

h)   World Stage Design/ Scenofest in Taipei 2017
-          The next World Stage Design (WSD) will be held in Taipei, Taiwan from July 1-9, 2017. Scenofest will also be held with WSD in Taipei.
-          Launch for WSD2017 will be held June 19, 2015 in Prague by hosts TATT and Taipei National University of the Arts.
-          Call for WSD2017 submissions will go out Spring 2016.

i)     Beijing International Biennale (BIB), formerly known as ISDSWE
-          Held at the Beijing Central Academy. BIB brings students’ works together from all over the world for exchange and talks. The next edition will be in 2016.

j)     Technical Invention Prize (TIP) in WSD2017
-          First Technical Invention Prize was inaugurated in 2011. The second edition will be alongside WSD2017 in Taipei. More details to be discussed within Technology commission later.
-          There could also be a section for TIP exhibition in WSD2017.

k)    Masterclasses associated with OISTAT
-          There are many events associated with OISTAT, although not entirely OISTAT initiated, but very much generated by the OISTAT network, for example master classes in Cairo.
-          When OISTAT commissions hold meetings around the world, it is also a good opportunity to use the OISTAT attendance for talks and workshops to give back to local community.

l)     Associate events: Scandlight
-          Scandlight, an event organized by STTF, in Malmo during June 1-3 was a big success. The event also brought in many participants from OISTAT.

m)  Commission meetings
- OISTAT meetings are usually programmed at least a year in advance, the full-year meeting schedule can be found on OISTAT website.

4.Approval of minutes from 2014 Shanghai meeting- All approved.

5.Review Agenda- No new business or projects were proposed. Agenda approved.

6.1       OISTAT Activities @PQ
-          Full list of OISTAT activities during Prague Quadrennial, including OISTAT Day, commission meetings and the Czech Theatre Tour that Ivo organized is available on OISTAT website.
-          Jerome voiced and urged Chairs not to hold annual commission meetings during large events such as PQ and WSD, as people will be too busy and the schedule do not allow ample time allocation for serious discussions. Michael R. agrees but also pointed out that it is the Chairs decisions on where and when to hold meetings. Bert offered that the issue be discussed again in the Governing Board meeting in Novi Sad this September.

6.2       Theatre Timeline Group
-          The Group operates across commissions and driven by projects, with interest in history of theatre technology. Name of the commission came from Chris Van Goethem.
-          Bruno Forment (BE) organized Revaluing Theatre Heritage Challenges & Opportunities conference in January 2013.
-          Peter McKinnon organized the Wood & Canvas conference in June 2014 with attendance from six continents and over 80 participants.
-          Czech Theatre Tour on June 21 will take partial Emperor Route of historic European theatres as stated with Perspectiv. (www.perspectiv-online.org ) Registration closed. During the bus ride, there will also be presentations on board from Chris and Bruno.
-          Peter McKinnon also organized an 8-day theatre tour along the Emperor Route from June 28-July 5.
-          Ivo Kersmarkers informed the Theatre Timeline Group meeting during PQ will be June 19 at 2pm.
-          Andreas Bickel suggests adding theatre museums to the Theatre Timeline map.
-          Chris Van Goethem commented that theatre museums are included in Perspectiv.
-          Bert Determann points out that the Bourla action was taking the group initiative another step forward, and perhaps TC should consider taking the same action and send Swedish authorities a letter to recognize the importance of these historic theatres.
-          Michael Ramsaur proposes the commission should take on the policy of making such a statement.
-          John Mayberry stated that there should be a consensus.
-          Jerome Maeckelbergh and Chris Van Goethem caution that TC should take consideration the wording of such statement, and point out the directions for such preservation and not treat historic machinery as relics of the past, e.g. how does historic machinery inspire new ideas? What future uses are? Old machinery can also make contemporary works.
-          Femi Majekodunmi stated academic theatre is more vibrant in Nigeria, would such a statement undermine the development of academic theatres?
-          Timo Risku comments that historic theatres do not exist in Finland, and agrees that word choices should be careful. Perhaps “opportunities” or “possibilities” will be more beneficial.
-          Chris states many countries have conflicts between tourism and theatre preservation. TC is not saying that every historic theatre needs to be preserved. Preserved theatres should be also active and still served the purpose of its initial theatre-making. It is a movement that is worth the Theatre Timeline Group’s keepsake. Fritz Schwentker seconded the functionality of the theatre to serve its purpose is vital.
-          Mark White suggested both “historic” and “notable” theatres are to be distinguished and included in the statement.
-          John propose that a working group be set up for drafting the statement and to be circulated among members of TC for feedback. 
-          John motioned that Technology commission to write a statement of support for preservation of historic theatres and machinery. Ivo seconded the motion. Consensus achieved for the motion.
-          Working group for the statement: Fritz Schwentker and Chris Van Goethem. Bert Determann to be in consultation.

John motioned that Technology commission to write a statement of support for preservation of historic theatres and machinery. Ivo seconded the motion. Consensus achieved for the motion.

6.3       Publication of Baroque Theatres
-          The issue has been put aside for future discussions.

6.4       International Standards Projects
-          Andreas gave a presentation on the project. The Beta version is at oistat.blue-gate.be. For more information, please see here.
-          Beta version started circulating in January 2015 for feedback. Fritz Schwentker also contributed heavily on proofreading and the logic of the survey. The official version is expected to launch later in 2015.
-          Fritz commented on it being a worthy survey and done very well. Thanks to Laura for making the survey and going through the questions.
-          Mark raised the question of who double-checks the information provided by participants, as standards are specific in each country and areas, e.g. in the UK, many instances vary depending on situation or location.
-          Andreas answered that field experts will also be consulted in the said region, and if multiple participants enter same information, it will be considered as regional standard.  *Mark volunteers for beta-test of ISP.
-          Ivo raised issues on copyright of the project.
-          Presently, the webhosting and database sit with Wouter Paesen. It is to be discussed in the future, whether the database and webhosting want to be transferred back to OISTAT HQ.
-          Romana thanks Andreas and Laura for the extensive work done.

6.5       Technical Invention Prize
-          Jury selection will come by the end of 2015.
-          Ivo pointed out that for TIP to be wide spread, the leaflet translations done by Centres are crucial.
-          TIP will be held in conjunction with World Stage Design 2017 in Taipei. We hope to have a section for exhibiting the works submitted or chosen.

6.6       Executive Committee/ Governing Board Meeting in Novi Sad
-          The “Radical Space in Between Disciplines” conference will be September 21-23. OISTAT members are encouraged to attend. Call for papers are still on-going for interested individuals. Details are at http://radicalspaceconference.com/
-          The conference is also hosting the OISTAT Executive Committee and Governing Board meeting from September 18-23.

6.7       World Stage Design 2017
-          WSD2017 will be July 1-9, 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan. Organizers are TATT (Taiwan OISTAT Center) and Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA).
-          TIP ceremony will take place during WSD2017.

7. Future Meetings
Technology meeting in 2016 will be in St. Petersburg, Russia. Hosted by the Russian OISTAT Centre. Meeting will likely be in May/June.

Call for 2017 Technology meeting hosts.

* After the TC meeting, China expressed interest in hosting the 2017 TC meeting in Beijing or Jian-Xi province. 

8.New Projects
John Mayberry brought attention to the damage to theatres in Cuba that Hurricane Sandy caused few years ago. John sent calls for old theatre equipment to help Cuban theatres. By now, they are ready to go and will be shipped to Cuba after the PQ. The Culture Section of Cuban government is paying for the sea cargo from Montreal. John thanks everyone who’s pitched in and welcomes more if anyone would still like to contribute.

Romana thanks everyone for attending the Technology meeting, and the Stockholm meeting has a record-attendance due to the remarkable program STTF has arranged. Great appreciation goes out to the sponsors and the host, STTF, special thank you to Torsten and Ulf. 

STTF Website

special thanks to the sponsors