
Tbilisi International Biennale of Stage Design 2022 will take place from October 9-19, 2022

Sep 14, 2022

Held by OISTAT Georgia Centre, YTA Union (Valerian Gunia Union of Young Theatre Artists), Tbilisi International Biennale of Stage Design 2022 will take place from October 9-19, 2022 at Tbilisi History Museum. 

The Biennale aims to build conditions for professional development of young stage designers and to launch an intercultural dialogue. This unique platform, which is created for young scenographers will enable them to present themselves and their projects, review and assess the ongoing process taking place in this specific field of art, share their creative ideas, participate in professional discussions, plan and develop joint projects.

Stay tuned on the website of Tbilisi International Biennale of Stage Design 2022 for further information.