
Maaike Westinga

Jun 21, 2020

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tenbraswestinga/?viewAsMember=true

Maaike graduated in 2001 from the university. From 2002, she worked at Jonkman Klinkhamer, since 2013 named TenBrasWestinga architecture / interior and urban design, where she is architect-director from 2008. 

Maaike started her professional career as an architect with the theatre-project for the Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam. In this complex project, but also in the following projects, Maaike managed to combine the interests of the architectural firm and the client in a balanced manner.

In controlling the design and construction process, Maaike strives for consistent elaboration, simplicity combined with a strong expression, good manufacturability and smart integration of constructions and installations, and close coherence of building physics advice in the architecture of the office. 

Collaboration and dialogue with the client, consultants and stakeholders, but especially with the users, is paramount. Like all work in performance art is team-work, building theatres is teamwork as well.

In 2017 Maaike joined the board of the VPT where she became chair in 2019. Since June 2020 Maaike was elected as chair of the Architectural Commission of OISTAT.