
OISTAT Chat #1 “Theatre Culture and Cities”

Mar 12, 2020

.Date: March 24, 2020
.Time: 11:00-11:50 (Amsterdam time, CET;UTC/GMT+1:00)
.London time 10:00-10:50 (GMT+0:00); Taipei Time 18:00-18:50 (CST;UTC/GMT+8:00)
 *Please check your time zone to ensure you are attending at the correct time.
.Topic: Theatre Culture and Cities
.Keynote Speaker: Bert Determann (the Netherlands)
 Director of Operations Theater Zuidplein a.i., OISTAT President, Former COO of Theater Rotterdam
OISTAT Chat is a webinar on ideas for theatre around the world. OISTAT Chat explores how theatre practitioners shape things through arts and culture.  
The first OISTAT Chat invites OISTAT President Bert Determann to share his experiences of placemaking in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He will talk about how international collaboration 7 Square Endeavour achieves urban sustainability in innovative way, how they turn “Schouwburgplein” into vibrant cultural square and a place for civic engagement.
Agenda: (in Amsterdam time)
10:50-11:00    Online registration
11:00-11:30    Keynote: Theatre Culture and Citiesby Bert Determann
11:30-11:50    Q & A
Keynote: Bert Determann

Bert Determann was educated as a sculptor at the academy of arts in Rotterdam.
He has been the COO of 'Theater Rotterdam’, one of the most important theatres in the Netherlands. It includes the Rotterdam Drama Company and a famous House for Young Talent. He also owns the largest independent scenery workshop in the Netherlands.
Bert is the President of OISTAT, Organisation Internationale des Scénographes, Techniciens et Architectes de Theatre, a global theatre network and a UNESCO acknowledged NGO with 20,000 members in 48 countries on 5 continents.
Bert has a number of diverse board functions in the theatre field and is participating in several projects combining the civic economy and environmental issues.
Registration Form
*You will receive a link, Room ID and password to OISTAT Chat room from OISTAT Headquarters within 5 working days.

Registration Fee:
-OISTAT Members: Free of Charge
-Non-Members: 10 Euros
 *Please pay the registration fee through Paypal

Please enter to the online meeting room with internet connection 5 minutes before OISTAT Chat. 
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