
2007 Scenography Meeting

Aug 10, 2007

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of OISTAT Scenography Commission, I am highly honored to announce the honorees of the Honorable Scenographers at PQ07 as follows:

Country Name
AUSTRIA Mr. Jörg Kossdorff
CANADA Ms. Anick La Bissonière, Mr. & Mrs. Jerrard & Diana Smith
CROATIA Mr. Dalibor Laginja
CZECH REPUBLIC Mrs. Marta Roszkopf, Mr. Petr Matásek
FRANCE Mr. Jean-Guy Lecat
IRELAND Mr. Ferdia Murphy
ISRAEL Mrs. Ruth Dar, Mr. Roni Toren
JAPAN Mr. Toru Shimakawa, Mrs. Rumi Matsui
KOREA Ms. Sun-Hi Shin
MEXICO Mr. Alejandro Luna
NETHERLANDS Mr. Rien Bekkers
RUSSIA Mr. Alexander Orlov, Mrs. Irina Cherednikova
TAIWAN Mr. Alan, Nieh, Kuang-Yen
TURKEY Mr. Yücel Tanyeri
UNITED KINGDOM Mr. Ralph Koltai, Mr. Paul Brown
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mr. Ming Cho Lee, Mr. Paul Steinberg

Out of 60 countries and centres, 19 countries and centres responded to the call for the nomination of the Honorable Scenographers at PQ07. The 24 Scenographers were nominated out of 16 countries and OISTAT Centers. The OISTAT Scenography Commission celebrated our profession of scenography with the Honorable Scenographers from all over the world in the Scenographers Forum at PQ07, which was held at the Lapidarium Museum 17:30-19:30 June 17, 2007.

Cordially Yours,

SungChul Kim, Ph.D.
OISTAT Scenography Commission Chair
WSD2009 Director
President of KTAA, OISTAT-Korea

Photo Gallery of Scenographer Forum

PQ Commissioner Mr. Arnold Aronson    

Updated September 2007