
Resources for Teaching / Learning Theatre Online

May 24, 2020

OISTAT Education commission would like to invite you to share resources for teaching / learning theatre online with worldwide faculties and students. Please submit the resources you would like to share with us through the link.

Online Theatre Courses
Resources & Links Description
Stage Management
Orange Jackets This is a three hour masterclass looking behind the scenes of the Olympic ceremonies. Mainly covering the London 2012 theatrical opening.
Lighting Design
Remote Training for IVL Lighting Free training session to learn how to program IVL.


Virtual Learning Environment Software

Communication Software

  1. Zoom 
  2. Microsoft Teams 
  3. Google Meet 
  4. Cisco Webex
  5. Spatial (Virtual Classroom)
  6. Jitsi

Collaborative Software

  1. Slack 
  2. Discord 
  3. Miro 
  4. Padlet 

Online Teaching Software

  1. Google Classroom 
  2. Class Notebook
  3. D2L 
  4. Perusall (Social e-reader)

Tools for making teaching contents

  1. Camtasia
Resources for Teaching & Learning Theatre Remotely

Stage Management

  1. CallQ
  2. Call Board

Theatre Architecture

  1. Royal Central School of Speech & Drama Virtual Tour
  2. Virtual Tour of Melbourne Theatre Company's Production Spaces

Sound Design

  1. PiBox 
  2. SoundJack

Lighting Design

  1. Europen Lighting School 
  2. Pros: Comprehensive lighting 101; Cons: The website is no longer maintained.
Design Software

Sketch / Painting / Illustration

  1. Procreate 

3D Design

  1. Vectorworks /  Vectorworks Educational Version
  2. AutoCAD
  3. SketchUp
  4. Mudbox

Set Design

  1. The Virtual Theatre

Lighting Design

  1. Capture 
  2. Lightwright 6
  3. ETC Augment3d

Sound Design

  1. Audacity

Video Editor

  1. Davinci resolve

Photo Editor

  1. Photopea


Video Contents
Resources & Links Description
Matt Kizer Scenic and Lighting Design Good collection of basic lighting teaching sites
Options to Adobe Creative Software Free and Cheaper Options to Photoshops, Illustrator, and Other Adobe Creative Software (Digital Synopsis)
USITT Online Industry Resources Collection of online learning resources, job opportunities and industry resources
2020 Virtual Guest - Lecturer and Artist Register List of lecturers who are willing to be guest speakers online
POC Theatre Designers and Technicians Database Resource for producers and directors to identify racially and culturally diverse creative teams for theater projects in USA
CITT/ICTS COVID-19 Resources & Information Resources & information on different topics related to theatre industry
digital.DTHG Research projects on the potentials of digital technologies for theatre
USITT Teaching Archive Publication of teaching resources for theatre



1. European Theatre Technicians Education (ETTE)- Basic safety for the theatre and event industry


Related Reports / Articles


  1. Considering the Return to the Classroom (academic forum) 
  2. College Students Want Answers about Fall, but Schools May Not Have Them for Months  (The Washington Post)
  3. 25 Top Theater Minds Dream the Future: What will the Post-Pandemic Stage Look Like? (Los Angeles Times)
  4. 5 Myths About Remote Teaching in the Covid-19 Crisis  (The Chronicle of Higher Education) -- ood list of thoughts to review
  5. Takeaways From My Covid-19 Remote Teaching (The Chronicle of Higher Education) --Some useful thoughts from a colleague in academia
  6. Does Anthony Fauci Think Colleges Should Reopen? We Asked Him. (The Chronicle of Higher Education) --Dr. Fauci's thoughts on returning to campus 
  7. Tips for working from home (Adobe) --Well-reasoned set of recommendations
  8. How do you do live theater in a pandemic? U-Md. experiments with Zoom-staged version of ‘She Kills Monsters’  (The Washington Post)
  9. Best Practices for High Quality, Technology-Enabled, Applied Music Teaching (Dr. Ian Howell)

Collection of Teaching / Learning Resources

Resources & Links Description
Matt Kizer Scenic and Lighting Design Good collection of basic lighting teaching sites
Options to Adobe Creative Software Free and Cheaper Options to Photoshops, Illustrator, and Other Adobe Creative Software (Digital Synopsis)
USITT Online Industry Resources Collection of online learning resources, job opportunities and industry resources
2020 Virtual Guest - Lecturer and Artist Register List of lecturers who are willing to be guest speakers online
POC Theatre Designers and Technicians Database Resource for producers and directors to identify racially and culturally diverse creative teams for theater projects in USA
CITT/ICTS COVID-19 Resources & Information Resources & information on different topics related to theatre industry
digital.DTHG Research projects on the potentials of digital technologies for theatre
USITT Teaching Archive Publication of teaching resources for theatre