
2018 OISTAT Education Meetings Agenda

Mar 6, 2018

#1  Wednesday, March 14th – 11:30am – 12:45pm in Hilton Dolphin 
#2  Thursday, March 15th – 9:30am – 10:45am in Hilton Dolphin 

Download the Agenda in PDF

Meeting #1

  1. Welcome & Introductions by Chair William Kenyon & Vice-Chair Anders Larsson.

    1. Please check roster to ensure that we have the best email address for you.

    2. Presentation of Agenda.

  2. Summation/acceptance of last meeting’s minutes.

    1. All prior meeting minutes are available on the OISTAT website.

  3. Chair’s report on October 2017 Executive Council/Governing Board Meetings in Budapest.

  4. Chair’s report on upcoming meetings & related events:

    1. OISTAT 50th Event – Cardiff, Wales, UK – Aug. 28th – Sept. 2nd, 2018.

    2. BIB/ISDSWE – Beijing, China – Nov. 3rd- Nov. 8th, 2018.

    3. 2019 Prague Quadrennial – Prague, Czech Republic – June, 2019.

    4. 2019 Education Commission Meeting – Berlin, Germany, along with Stage/Set/Scenery & just following PQ 2019. (Will be asking to invite another Commission)

    5. 2020 Education Commission Meeting – Helsinki, Finland (tentative) to be held during Lux Helsinki, January 2020 (am proposing to combine with Lighting).

    6. 2021 Education Commission Meeting – Manila, Philippines, February 2021, along with Technology Commission.

    7. 2021 WSD in Calgary, Canada – August, 2021 in conjunction with OISTAT World Congress.

    8. TBA – Need proposals for future hosting – the following suggestions have been made:

      • Japan after Olympics.

      • Georgia.

      • Australia.

      • Mexico.

  5. Report of Commission Sessions held at USITT.

  6. Working Group Session to develop OISTAT Small Meetings Framework.

    1. Develop Plan/framework to be distributed to all Commission Members.

    2. Scope of event.

    3. Cost of event.

    4. Challenge to host at least one each year.

    5. Social Media practices.

    6. What can these events lead to?

Meeting #2

  1. Membership & Promotion.

    1. Building Membership in Commission & OISTAT.

    2. How can we spread name & work of OISTAT Education?

  2. Developing more international student travel opportunities.

    1. Costs.

    2. Partnerships.

    3. Length of trips?

    4. Faculty Exchanges?

  3. Implementation of ETTE Training Project?

  4. Other Commission Goals and Projects?

  5. Conclusion.