
2008 Scenography & Architecture Meeting

Dec 25, 2008

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To the National Centres of OISTAT
Individual Members, Associate Members, Scenography Commission Delegates, the Working Groups, and the Architecture Commission Delegates.

Invitation of OISTAT Scenography Commission and Architecture Commission to joint meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, June 13-17 2008.

Dear Colleagues,
We are writing to you on behalf of
Mr. Sung Chul Kim, Chair of the Scenography Commission,
Mr.Reinhold Daberto, Chair of the Architecture Commission and
STTF, The Swedish Centre of OISTAT to extend formally our invitation to members of the OISTAT Scenography and Architecture Commissions to attend the 2008 joint Commission meeting which we are organizing in Stockholm between 14th to 16th of June, 2008.

The main topic for discussion will be interaction between Scenography and Theatre Architecture.
The intention is to explore the architectural motifs and goals when designing spaces for performing arts and the scenographer’s demands and expectations of the space in order to support dramatic interaction.

Members of the Scenography Commission and Architecture Commission will make formal presentations as part of symposiums open for professionals and students.

The Scenography Commission business sessions will include reports and plans for
World Stage Design-09 in Seoul, South Korea.

The Theatre Architecture Commission sessions will include evaluation of the Theatre Architecture competition arranged at PQ07.

Members interested delivering presentations should contact the chairs of the commissions and the Swedish organizers by e-mail:
(S.C.) Sunniva Thelestam, thelenord@telia.com
Scenography Commission Chair, Sung Chul Kim schkim517@kornet.net
(A.C.) Torsten Nobling, torsten.nobling@aix.se
Theatre Architecture Commission Chair, Reinhold Daberto r.daberto@theapro.de

According to the normal OISTAT practice, delegates are responsible for their own travel arrangements. Accommodation for four nights will be arranged and covered by the hosts for one  official delegate from each OISTAT Centre. Second (non-voting) delegates from each Centre, individual members and associate members, spouses and partners/guests are welcome to attend and participate at their own costs.

We hope many delegates worldwide will gain from the sharing of information and discussions during the Commission meetings.

June 13th is the arrival day. Official scheduled activities will run from June 14th to 16th in Stockholm. June 17th is departure day for those who do not intend to continue.

From June 17th to 19th The Swedish Centre is also preparing a guided Theatre Tour to interesting and unique theatres and outdoor operas in a region within 300 km distance from Stockholm.

After the tour, you are also invited to stay on until June 22nd in the province of Vaermland to participate in an Art Marathon and enjoy the Midsummer Celebration.
Please see attached information. [download]

All delegates attending should fill out the registration form attached to this letter. [download] Forms for registration to the Design Workshops will also be provided.
Please return the filled in form electronically to:
 (S.C.)  Sunniva Thelestam, thelenord@telia.com and a copy to the
Scenography Commission Chair, Sung-Chul Kim schkim517@kornet.net
or to (A.C.) Torsten Nobling torsten.nobling@aix.se and a copy to
Architecture Commission Chair, Reinhold Daberto, r.daberto@theapro.de
no later than April 13th.

A preliminary program of the meeting is attached. A more detailed agenda will be sent after you return the registration form.

We look forward to your attendance at the joint meeting of the Scenography and Architecture Commissions in Sweden.

With best regards,

Sunniva Thelestam                                                                    
Scenography Commissioner of Sweden                                      
Torsten Nobling, architect SAR/MSA
Architecture Commissioner of Sweden
Chairman of STTF, Swedish OISTAT Centre