Lighting Design Sub-commission

Lighting Sub-commission's Activities during OISTAT 50 in Cardiff

Jul 25, 2018

Dear lighting friends,
This is to let you all know that I will be stepping down as coordinator of the Lighting Sub Commission in September at OISTAT 50 in Cardiff.
If you are at all interested in taking up the role, please do get in touch with Kimmo or myself. The primary focus of the role in the coming year will I’m sure be making sure Lighting Design is properly represented at the next PQ in 2019.
There are two Lighting Sub Commission meetings in Cardiff this summer (as well as a whole programme of engaging workshops and fascinating talks):
Tuesday 28th August from 2pm
Lighting Sub-Commission Business Meeting 
Agenda item 1 – Election of a Coordinator/Chair of the Lighting Sub Commission
Agenda item 2 – Planning for PQ 2019
Wednesday 29th August from 2pm
Workshop in Affordable Mixed Reality Practice led by Ian Garrett of toasterlab in Toronto.
More information on the workshop can be found on the OISTAT 50 website.
Wishing you all the best for the rest of the summer (apologies for my northern hemisphere centric view)
Chair of Lighting Sub-commission
Nick Moran