
What is The Theatres of Latin America (TTLA)?

Mar 31, 2017


The Theatres of Latin America (TTLA) is a project of the Association OISTAT Spain supported by OISTAT, the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan and the Arts and Theatre Institute, ATI, of Prague to study the development of the theatrical spaces in Latin America since pre-Columbian times to the twentieth century and gather information on the most significant theatre buildings on the continent.


The main objectives of the TTLA project are to preserve, protect and promote the cultural heritage of Latin American countries through the registration, description and information about their theatre architecture and to present that heritage in an attractive and varied way by means of books, exhibitions, symposia workshops and conferences as well as by the creation of a web data base of Latin American theatres and performance spaces which will become a virtual museum.


The other aspect that is fundamental to the project is to establish and consolidate permanent links between professionals of the performing arts of Latin America (creating bonds between universities, professional organizations, architects, theatre and scenography schools and the theatres) and to become a support for education in schools of art and performing arts as well as to support the mobility, communication and cooperation between artists and professionals of the performing arts in the universe of Latin America.


The project is managed by José Luis Ferrera, Spain, Project Manager; Claudia Suárez, Chile, Coordinator Latin America; José Manuel Castanheira, Portugal, Coordinator Europe; Aby Cohen, Brazil, OISTAT Vice President; Jan K. Rolnik, Czech Republic, Project Consultant; Ondrĕj Svoboda, Czech Republic, Head of Documentation of the Project and the national teams coordinators, Marcelo Jaureguiberry, Argentina; Doris Rollemberg, Brazil; Carlos Schmidt, Costa Rica and Central America; Daniela Bouret, Uruguay; Óscar Armando García, México and Juan Ruesga, Spain.


So far, there are more than 18 important universities and institutions and 28 eminent professionals, teachers and specialists participating in the project and there are numerous universities and specialists in the process of becoming part of the project.


Without any doubt, The Theaters of Latin America is the most important and ambitious project undertaken by OISTAT to spread its mission and objectives in the Latin American continent and will be a turning point in the spread of knowledge of Latin American theatre and performance spaces worldwide.


Know more on TTLA website www.teatrosdelatinoamerica.com