Sound Design Sub-commission

Sound Design Sub-commission|Mission

Dec 24, 2020

The Sound Design Group was established by the Performance Design (formerly known as "Scenography Commission") of OISTATat its annual meeting in Bregenz Austria in 2000. The Sound Design Group falls within the Performance Design, although we work very closely with the Education Commission in the production of Scenofest at the Prague Quadrennial(PQ). 

Recent activities of the Sound Design Group include:

Producing the Sound Exhibition at World Stage Design in Toronto in 2005; 
Producing the Sound Exhibitions, Lectures, and Performances at the OISTAT Scenofest in Prague in 2003;
Producing The Theatre Sound Colloquium in London in 2002

We are in the process of revising the Sound Design Group website on these pages; in the meantime, you can find all information about our group here