
Support to Practitioner: OISTAT Technology Commission Support the Serbian Pilot Project(SPP)

Oct 5, 2008

OISTAT Technology commission
SPP: The Serbian Pilot Project

Updated: November 14th, 2006.

Project managers:
Aleksandar Brkić, OISTAT centre Serbia
Olivera Gračanin, OISTAT centre Serbia

One of the most important missions of OISTAT throughout the years was the mutual exchange of knowledge between the countries and environments that are more developed in the field of scene design, theatre architecture and technology and others that are in the process of social, political and economic development. In the last years, this mission was only partly the topic of OISTAT programs.

SPP is the attempt of the Technology commission to get back to the roots and use the potential of it's members for the educational, informational, training and networking causes creating a stronger connection between the members from the developing countries and the ones from EU and other developed environments.

During the OISTAT Technology commission meeting in Belgrade, organized in September by OISTAT centre Serbia, initiative for SPP came out as a result of the fruitful discussion of the present members. Serbia, one of the emerging countries preparing to enter soon the European Union, will be a country where the pilot project will start, which can later be implemented to all the other member countries/organizations represented in the Technology commission. 

The result of the successful implementation of SPP in Serbia and other emerging countries would be more active members in the Technology commission which would result in more projects of the commission. At the same time, this project would encourage the change of the environments of the emerging countries and prepare them for the entrance in the EU or other integrative processes in the word and standards that it brings. These results would help everyone in their professional work.
SPP consists of couple of potential subprojects which will be tried to be presented here. 

SPP travel grants 
One of the problems of the Technology commission when the meetings are organized in the developing countries is that the people they meet there, which always give a large contribution to the work of the commission, don't have the financial support in their environment to fund their travel to the other, later meetings of the commission. This fund would help a lot the exchange of ideas inside of the commission and would positively influence the productivity of every meeting and all the projects initiated. 

SPP trainings 
Serbia invested a large amounts of money in the technical equipment of the leading theatre houses, but the biggest problem now is the education of the people working with that equipment. Trainings for the theatre technicians and was of sharing the experiences of using the technology in a creative way would be one of the goals of the Technology commission. 

SPP literature 
Through SPP, members of the Technology commission would regularly send the publications and books concerning the issues of the theatre technology and live events technology to the OISTAT centre Serbia. All these publications would be available for use to the members of SPP network in Serbia, people working in the technical departments of Serbian theatres.

SPP newsletter 
The goal of this newsletter will be to connect the colleagues from Serbia with the members of OISTAT Technology commission from all over the world in a potentially fruitful exchange of ideas, experiences and problems.

.QUESTIONS >Everyone will be able to ask the questions that arise from their professional work and hopefully get the answer from someone that had the similar problem in his own work in the past.

.TRAINING/LECTURES/MEETINGS >If any member from the Technology commission travels professionally or for private reasons to Serbia, can announce this in the newsletter and suggest the meeting or interesting topic or training he/she can present. Then it is on the people from Serbia to suggest the place, organizer and time if interested in the proposed program.

.TOUR CONSULTATIONS >All of us know how the tour can sometimes be very complicated when you don't have enough good information about and from the environment you are going to. The SPP network newsletter would be a good place for these purposes for both people coming to Serbia and theatre technicians going from Serbia to some other countries on the tour.

(last update: 10/5/2008)