
2019 OISTAT Technology Commission Meeting Minutes

Jun 16, 2002

Date: June 15, 2002
Location: London, UK

Download the Minutes

1. Remarks from the Chair
The chairman welcomed everybody and thanked the ABTT for its invitation.

2. Introduction of Delegates.
Everybody introduced themselves by going round the table.                                  

3. Communications
Letters of apology were received from Cuba and Hungary.

4. Notice of other business
OISTAT (Jerôme Maeckelbergh) added.

5. Minutes of last meeting (Valenciennes Nov 2001)
The minutes were agreed apart from a correction to point 5 made by Bruno G.  The chairman made reference to a letter from Japan.  Questionnaire from OFTSV – still work in progress.

6. Reports
a) Wireless Mics. It was agreed that the working party was no longer needed.
b) Theatre Atlas.
     i. Belgium is developing pictures.
     ii.     Dutch Theatres on CD.
     iii.      France & UK has information in book form.
     iv.      Hong Kong – all theatres are  government run.  Information available.

It was agreed that the working party was no longer needed, but that we need to continue to promote the Theatre Atlas.

It was agreed that we need a working party to develop a Technology page  for the OISTAT web site.  Ivo Kersmaekers for Europe, David Ramsey for North America and Wai-Hung Yu for Asia will drive the project.  Their first task is to reference DIN standards onto the web page (via the chair)

c) Performer Flying.  
    It was agreed that we no longer need a working party.  Comments were made about some of the problems of a production of Peter
    Pan in the Netherlands.  Issues about the lack of consistency of standards across the world.

d) Equipment standards.  e) Health and Safety.
    A general discussion ensued around both of these issues and a suggestion that anybody with information (book lists etc) should forward it to the Chair, who will forward it to the Web Master.

7. TCT
Louis Janssen said that progress was being made and that efforts to raise funds from PEARL were ongoing.  He requested that we each made efforts to find and contact our PEARL representatives.

8. Working with 3rd Parties.
It is becoming a requirement in some parts of Europe for you to inform the people you impact on (companies touring into a venue) of the risks you have as part of your production/organisation.  If anybody has examples of Risk Assessment forms and information, please forward the information to Ivo Kersmaekers.

9. Any Other Business.
a.  Email Conferencing
John Mayberry explained how CITT Board hold a monthly e-mail conference over a fixed one week period using a service called “Callboard”, based at the University of Calgary.  The OISTAT Board is using e-mail to stay in contact with each other, but with only one subject at a time.  It was suggested that the Technology Commission members should forge closer links using Email (list of Email addresses included).

At the Berlin Congress it was decided that all delegates will be called “official” delegates. However only one delegate per National Centre would be a voting delegate whose accommodation etc. would be provided by the host Centre.

“OISTAT is an organisation of organisations not an organisation of individuals”.

The governing board has the right to veto all decisions. 

PQ 2003     
Michael Ramsaur from the Education Commission joined the meeting.  OISTAT’s input into PQ will be directed at students.  The work will be based on a central theme of “King Lear” with Design for Performance and Cross Border co-operation as its main principles.  Small groups of students will create the Artistic Teams (Directors, set design, lighting design and sound design) and will work on presentations creating partnership through experience.

A sound stage (equipped hopefully from London) a moving light rig and control system (equipped hopefully from Helsinki Finland) and a theatre model on a scale of 1:4 (from the Netherlands) will be made available in order for the students to get ‘hands on’ experience.   Other elements are to include a ‘puppet day’ built around the theme of St. John the Baptist, a visit to the theatre school in Bruno and various walking tours of Prague theatres.

Volunteers from the Belgium theatre school are being used for the day to day running of the projects.  Michael has asked for anybody who can lend equipment or people to contact him.  More information is available on the Education Commission website.

Digital theatre technical guide 
Jerôme Maeckelbergh briefed the commission about the development of the guide and his aspirations for it.  Primarily for it to become world-wide and to raise funds for OISTAT.  He would like feed-back from the commission members about what he presented and any up-dates and improvements to the guide that will make the package more user- friendly.

Future Meetings
John Mayberry asked who was planning to go to Prague for PQ 2003.  It was agreed for as many of the commissioners as possible attending the Prague exhibition to have an ad-hoc meeting with Pavel Dautovsky organising a meeting room.

Jerôme M has offered a low budget invitation at the “Dark Night” in Antwerp 2004.

We have an unconfirmed invitation from South Korea for 2003 (further information seems to indicate that this has now been confirmed). 

PQ Circulars 1, 2, and 3 from the Czech Centre were distributed.

10. Meeting Adjourned
Email Addresses of the delegates who attended the London Meeting
Bruno Grösel  (vice chair)/Austria/groesel@ft.tuwien
Ivo Kersmaekers/Belgium/ivo@studio100.be
Jerôme Maeckelberg/Belgium/Theatermacker@pandora.be
John Mayberry (chair)/Canada/mayberry@yorku.ca
Pavel Dautovsky/Czech/dauty@pha.inecnet.cz
Keijo Koli/Finland/keijo_koli@hkt.fi
Jean-Pierre Decaudin/France/larbresec@nopub.com
Wai-Hung Yu/Hong Kong/wawa5256@netvigator.com
Bentzion Munitz/Israel/munitzepost.tau.ac.il
Masaji Ito/Japan/ito@theatre-workshop.co.jp
Louis Janssen/(vice-chair) Netherlands/louis@theatreradvies
Andrzej Sosnowski/Poland/dyrnaczzca@teatrwielki.pl
Dino Ibanez/Spain/dinoibanez@wanadoo.es
Harry Bowerman/UK/hbowerman@nationaltheatre.org.uk
David Ramsey/USA/dlramsey@metrocast